Erika Hagen

Credentials: MS, PhD

Position title: WSC Study Associate Director of Scientific Operations, Midlife Sleep Study Principal Investigator

Erika Hagen is an epidemiologist and a Senior Scientist in the Department of Population Health Sciences. She has been working with the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort Study since 2010. Dr. Hagen helps to coordinate collaborations with other epidemiologists and researchers who work with the WSC. She is the Principal Investigator of the currently-funded Midlife Sleep Study, a study investigating how sleep quality and duration during midlife affects cognitive and physical functioning during later adulthood. Dr. Hagen’s research interests in include the physiological and social influences on sleep, and sleep’s influence on health across the lifecourse.

PhD: Population Health, University of Wisconsin-Madison
MS: Population Health, University of Wisconsin-Madison
BA: History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Science and Medicine; University of Chicago